5 reasons to visit Croatia out of season

Plitvice National Park, Dubrovnik, Hvar, Trogir and Brac...

Plitvice National Park

Visit in the months of April, May or towards the end of September and you will find there are nowhere near as many crowds as you would find in peak summer season.  In our view this is by far the best time of the year to get a real feel of the beauty of the waterfalls, lakes and forests of this natural wonder.


In February – you can really get in and mingle with the locals at the festival of St Blase.  The main pedestrian only Stradun in Dubrovnik Old Town rings to music and dance as the proud citizens of Dubrovnik celebrate their local Patron Saint with Processions and local food and drink.  None of the cruise ships visit at this time of the year so you are guaranteed a genuinely local experience


From early April right through May, to enjoy the fields of herbs and lavender where the natural fragrance hangs in the air for a heady fragrant experience.   The resultant Oil of lavender makes for a bargain to bring home as the ultimate souvenir. Sprinkle some on your pillowcase and dream you are back on the beautiful island of Hvar.


During May and October, there is space to park the yacht right in the heart of this ancient walled town in the marina – whereas – during peak season, space is at a real premium.


Visit out of season for an authentic Croatian village holiday experience.  And while you are here, enjoy some of the finest olive oil, and wine to be found anywhere in Europe.  Most people have heard of Brac for the famous Zlatni Rat beach, that’s the one which moves with the current of the sea.  But if you miss the rest of this lovely unspoiled island you could regret it!